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Lowering the threshold for computer vision application development

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Lowering the threshold for computer vision application development

AXIS Camera Application Platform (ACAP) has provided the foundation for the creation of applications for Axis devices since its launch in 2009. Always based on the Axis principles of openness, the fourth generation of ACAP truly delivers on the vision of being an open platform based on industry standards. The new version of ACAP adopts industry-standard technology frameworks that are familiar to developers around the world and thereby significantly lowers the thresholds to create valuable computer vision applications.

The history of ACAP is an illustration of Axis as an innovator and of the company’s philosophy of ‘openness’. When ACAP was launched,  few (if any) other surveillance camera manufacturers had similar initiatives in place. Axis believes that the path to real innovation comes through giving the largest group of creative minds access to its technology. For more than a decade, and alongside the Axis Developer Community, ACAP has enabled developers to create applications and plug-ins for scenarios as diverse as traffic management and business optimization.

ACAP has evolved in parallel to advances in surveillance camera technology. Today - given the increased image quality and particularly the introduction of edge based accelerated deep learning - the data (and metadata) produced on the edge opens up the potential for a step-change in computer vision applications.

To facilitate this opportunity, the fourth generation of ACAP has been designed to be as accessible as possible to developers through the adoption of well-known APIs and industry standard technologies.

What’s new in ACAP version 4?

The principal change in the fourth generation is the introduction of the ACAP Computer Vision SDK.

The new ACAP Computer Vision SDK bridges the gap between edge, server, and cloud-based environments, and is tailored for creating computer vision applications for the Axis AI-enabled product portfolio.

Openness sits at the heart of ACAP Computer Vision SDK, with support for open APIs and container-based development and deployment enabling the creation of multi-component hybrid system solutions. It further enables integration with standard IT infrastructure and cloud platforms.

Complementing the ACAP Computer Vision SDK is the ACAP Native SDK, which offers broad support across the Axis product portfolio, including both devices and software products, and high performance through close integration with the AXIS OS and hardware.

ACAP Native SDK makes it easy to build extensions to the default Axis camera feature set and create plug-in style applications generating events and metadata in a VMS-centric system.

A new world of applications

Surveillance cameras have developed into incredibly advanced visual sensors. ACAP is designed to allow developers to take advantage of this sophistication and develop applications that not only enhance safety and security, but also unlock new opportunities for computer vision applications across many different industries.

Existing ACAP developers will be able to modernize existing applications – migrating from the server-based applications to the edge or cloud – and explore new application opportunities. Computer vision developers who have yet to explore the Axis platform will now be able to use familiar tools to develop for the most advanced video sensors and imaging technologies.

Ultimately, the fourth generation of ACAP will lead to new computer vision applications, many of which are currently beyond our imagination. The use of familiar environments and efficient programming languages will be a force multiplier, allowing for more trial and experimentation in computer vision applications than has been previously possible.

ACAP encapsulates the Axis philosophy: harness the imagination of the world’s developers, and give them the tools and technologies to bring it to life.

Find out more about ACAP
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