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AXIS Companion: Meeting basic surveillance needs while supporting business growth

4 minutes read
AXIS Companion

The Axis end-to-end concept is about tailoring a complete security solution to a business’s specific needs, all from Axis. AXIS Companion video management software (VMS) can be a key component in such a solution. Depending on the needs of the organization, the solution will also include cameras and additional hardware such as door stations and network speakers. In addition to surveillance, analytic software can support a range of functions for improving operational efficiency and profitability.

“Although it’s designed for fairly basic surveillance needs, AXIS Companion is excellent at integrating hardware and can be effective in a wide range of situations,” explains Göran Haraldsson, Global Product Manager at Axis. In the sections below, we present two cases where businesses have benefited from the security that AXIS Companion delivers.

Remote access to live footage

AXIS Companion VMS lets users access multiple cameras per site (plus recorders and other accessories) and gives multiple users secure remote access to live footage and recordings on their phone, tablet or computer. Several sites can be accessed through the user-friendly app so, for example, the owner of a chain of boutiques can easily monitor their entire business by selecting the store they’d like to view from the simple menu.

With branches in numerous cities, the Swedish fitness chain Friskis&Svettis use IP cameras in combination with AXIS Companion software to protect their premises and staff against threats like theft and violence.

Friskis&Svettis decided that Axis was the right solution for them

Sus Andersson, Senior Facilities Manager at Friskis&Svettis in Malmö: “We decided that Axis was the right solution for us when we heard that it allowed us to access the cameras and the footage remotely from our mobile devices.

“All in all, I can say that the different solutions available for AXIS Companion fit the respective needs of each of our facilities and have really made our everyday life so much easier. The whole team at all four locations are extremely happy and so are we for making this decision.

“With the new security solution, we can leave even our larger facilities unguarded because the cameras do the heavy lifting for us.“

Growing with businesses’ needs

Axis end-to-end is an approach that supports business growth and development, since it is easy to add more sites, capabilities or devices. Purolator, a leading courier and freight corporation in Canada, sought to upgrade their outmoded analog video surveillance systems to sophisticated IP solutions in all retail outlets. The solution they went for:  Axis IP cameras and AXIS Companion video management software.

Purolator wanted something that was flexible, scalable and integrated well into their current security infrastructure

Jason Ball, Manager of Security Technology Solutions at Purolator: “We needed a system that was expandable without spending a lot of money on the back end. We wanted something that was flexible, scalable and integrated well into our current security infrastructure, without sacrificing quality.”

Read more about Purolator’s security solution here in this case study.

At some point, businesses may even require a more advanced surveillance system, so it is easy to reuse hardware if you move to a more powerful VMS – AXIS Camera Station, for example.

Built-in cybersecurity

As with all validated Axis solutions, security is paramount, and this is another area where AXIS Companion brings together advanced technology and ease of use.

“We want to package our knowledge into our solutions, and cybersecurity is a big part of that. It shouldn’t be necessary for customers and integrators to be experts in encryption and security, so we make sure protection is in-built” Göran says.

In practice this means that the AXIS Secure Remote Access service is used to create a secure encrypted communication channel. “The benefit,” explains Göran, “is that customers don’t have to, for example, open ports or configure routers. It makes AXIS Companion easier to use, and it doesn’t risk creating vulnerabilities”. 

Multi-user support

The newest version of AXIS Companion features improved multi-user support, making it easier to add additional users. The person responsible for the network can decide which levels of access a user should have, then send them an invitation to get started.

Axis end-to-end solutions are a way for businesses to buy a complete security system from Axis, tailored to their specific needs.

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