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Safety and security for growing businesses

Safety and security for growing businesses

In broad terms, growth is the goal for every business. For most businesses financial growth results in physical growth: more employees, bigger offices, larger warehouses and sites. And while these factors are signs of a business doing well, all of them bring associated security and safety risks that need to be managed.

However, it’s obvious to say that businesses looking to grow apply most of their energy on the activities that fuel that growth. Finding new customers and providing great service to existing ones is the priority, and therefore it’s essential that operational aspects of business – security solutions included – take up no more time and attention to manage than is absolutely necessary. It’s also critical that the solutions can grow with the business, ensuring that levels of safety and security are maintained however quickly and dynamically an organization is expanding.

An end-to-end solution covering all an organization’s security needs – including video, audio, analytics, and access control – is an attractive proposition for growing businesses. Sourcing this from a single supplier will ensure that every element is validated, enabling ease of management, enhanced cybersecurity and system scalability.

The safety and security challenges of business growth

Business growth, while positive, can bring with it significant safety and security challenges and risks.

The most obvious aspects of a growing business are more people, often accommodated in larger office buildings and an increasing number of them. Providing access to sites and buildings to authorized personnel or validated visitors is an essential element of a secure working environment.

Sadly, more employees can also increase the risk associated with theft, particularly in sectors such as retail, though the risk of theft is not only related to internal employees. As businesses increase the size and number of warehouses and sites, perimeters can become more easily breached by those with criminal intent.

A safe working environment is also something that all businesses must provide, and growth and expansion can present new challenges. Monitoring adherence to relevant health and safety practices and clear communication is essential for employee safety as well as compliance.

More positively, as businesses grow domestically and internationally – bringing with that the challenges of multi-site surveillance - efficiencies can be created through analysis and learning, with best practices established for new employees, offices and sites.

Validated end-to-end security solutions

A surveillance solution which addresses all needs, including video, audio, access control and analytics, brings a number of benefits to a growing organization. Sourcing this from a single supplier – where each element is validated and therefore works seamlessly with the others – enhances the ease with which the solution can be designed, installed, used and managed.

Fundamental to the solution is the video management software (VMS). The VMS acts as the foundation, giving visibility and enabling intuitive management of every device connected to the system. Even if only managing a single camera initially, the VMS will support a solution growing to many hundreds, along with the addition of audio devices and access control solutions. The VMS will also be the basis for analytics leading to enhancements in security and operational efficiencies.

Enhanced support and cybersecurity

Working with a single supplier providing an end-to-end solution brings additional benefits (and here are some tips in how to find the right supplier). In ‘owning’ the whole system, the supplier will take responsibility for rapid and comprehensive support for every element, and support resolution is likely to be quicker given the validation of the entire solution.

Cybersecurity is also something of concern to every business, and as a solution which includes a potentially significant number of connected devices, security and surveillance systems need to be as cybersecure as any other IT infrastructure. An end-to-end solution supplier will take a holistic approach to cybersecurity across the whole system – with the VMS enabling centralized updates to software and policies – which will ensure there are no weak links in the cybersecurity chain.

Taking care of safety and security, while you take care of business

Safety incidents and security breaches will undermine the operations of any organization, sometimes critically. But focusing too much time, energy and resources on the systems needed to maintain safety and security will distract from efforts to drive business growth. It’s about finding the right balance for today, with the confidence that your security solution will grow as rapidly as the business in the future. An end-to-end solution could be the ideal solution.

Find out more here.

Christina Behle

Christina has the exciting job of managing Axis’ global business development for its end-to-end solutions. She has been at Axis since 2016. When not looking after Axis solutions for end-to-end solutions, Christina enjoys listening to jazz music, wishing she would use her saxophone some more. Before joining Axis, Christina held various sales positions at Precise Biometrics, a supplier of solutions for convenient and secure authentication of people’s identity. She studied business administration and management at the University of Lund, Sweden.

Christina Behle
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