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Addressing retail security concerns at Retail Risk Leicester 2023

3 minutes read
Axis M5000-G in retail store

Graham Swallow, Retail Lead for Northern Europe, discusses what's in store for Retail Risk Leicester 2023.

In the ever-changing landscape of retail, the need for robust security measures has never been so crucial. As retailers continue to grapple with a myriad of challenges, from theft and organised retail crime to violence and intimidation toward staff, it remains imperative they stay ahead of the curve to protect profits. 

Against this backdrop, events such as Retail Risk 2023 in Leicester represent an excellent opportunity for our industry to convene, share best practices, and explore cutting-edge tools and technologies that enable them to operate smarter and more securely. By visiting the Axis stand (30) at Retail Risk, you’ll be able to experience a range of technologies that are helping retailers improve security and operate more efficiently.

Experience the AXIS M5000-G – Four cameras in one

We’ve already established that the retail industry is under enormous pressure. For starters, the current cost-of-living crisis is delivering significant challenges, with experts predicting a rise in crime would hit the retail industry hard. These expectations have been confirmed by new Office of National Statistics (ONS) findings, highlighting shoplifting in England and Wales has risen 23%.

Added to that, increasing energy and operating costs are prompting retailers to implement strong measures to bring those costs down, from dimming the lights to staff resourcing. Yet the pressure to remain profitable remains, begging the question… how can innovative technology help ensure in-store security, while also delivering value for money?

With AXIS M5000-G, launched at Retail Risk London earlier this year, retailers can benefit from four cameras in one. Put simply, that means there’s only one camera to install, one cable to run, one IP address, and one video management software (VMS) license to install. This is a very cost and energy-efficient way to install an intelligent and capable in-store surveillance system.

Additionally, thanks to edge storage, operators can record directly to an onboard memory card for even simpler installation and maintenance. The AXIS M5000-G is a true example of how innovative technology can improve in-store security, whilst delivering long-term value for money. And you can see it on stand 30 at Retail Risk.

Axis Body-Worn Solutions

Since their launch, Axis body-worn cameras have garnered significant attention for their integration of the latest network camera technology into a wearable solution that captures video and audio on the move. At Retail Risk 2023, Axis will showcase its brand-new body-worn, the AXIS W110 Body Worn Camera, a lighter, friendlier wearable camera designed specifically to protect staff and reduce violence in sectors such as retail. 

The AXIS W110 Body Worn Camera deters, protects, and documents. Wearers and the public feel they're not alone, which contributes to a sense of well-being and a more peaceful workplace. AXIS W110 Body Worn Camera also offers excellent image and audio quality with exceedingly sharp images and clear audio for forensic usability. Furthermore, the addition of AXIS Body Worn Live earlier this year, which offers live video streaming, two-way audio, and metadata from Axis body-worn cameras in real-time, supports informed, live decision-making by operators.  We’ll be showcasing it on stand 30 at Retail Risk Leicester 2023.

We hope to see you there!

Register for Retail Risk Leicester 2023
Dominic Jones
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Regional Marketing Manager, Axis Communications
Phone: +44 7720 593 516
Dominic Jones
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