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Axis connection to the cloud

4 minutes read
Christina P. Andersson and Niklas Holmqvist talking about Axis Cloud Connect

We are experiencing a growing trend in demand for cloud solutions and services. Businesses are adopting this trend by building solutions on cloud-based technology, driven by the need for remote access, scalability, and simplicity. In parallel, we see a shift toward hybrid security solutions leveraging cloud functionality where it has the most impact, combined with the power of on-premises servers and edge devices. Regardless of their system setup, customers always need to know that their devices are up and running. 

Axis wants to simplify onboarding of devices, remote device management and upgrades, and ensure we always deliver video and data in a secure, smart way without compromising security. To do this in a changing and complex environment, we now introduce Axis Cloud Connect.

Axis Cloud Connect is an open hybrid cloud platform that together with Axis devices enables managed services, such as video operation, device management, and user and access management. Designed to provide more secure, flexible, and scalable security solutions, Axis Cloud Connect also enables our partners to develop cloud-based solutions that further meet the needs of end customers. 

Christian P. Andersson, Global Product Manager for Axis Cloud Connect, comments:

“Axis has built a state-of-the-art common platform to decrease complexity and ensure our customers can make a smooth, gradual adoption to the cloud. Axis Cloud Connect provides managed services for Axis offerings. We are also introducing APIs to Axis Cloud Connect and giving early access to selected partners, while we continue ramping up support for all our partners. These selected partners can leverage Axis’ investments in this platform and get fast access to cloud capabilities to enhance their own cloud-based solutions, easily develop new services, and reduce their time to market. “

Axis has built a state-of-the-art common platform to decrease complexity and ensure our customers can make a smooth, gradual adoption to the cloud

Axis has been working with cloud-connected video for over 15 years and today, there are around one million devices connected to our video management software. 

There have been many learnings along the way. For instance, having different platforms for different offerings is inefficient. Also, customer and integrator readiness to migrate to the cloud is key to success. At Axis, we always aim to use technologies when they are mature enough to solve our customer’s challenges in the best way and we believe now is the right time to move forward with this.”

– Niklas Holmqvist, R&D Director, Enterprise and Partner Solutions

At Axis, we continually review the appropriate use of existing and new technologies – always through the lens of customer need, benefit, and value. We introduce technologies and offerings when we know they can efficiently solve different use cases in a smarter and safer way. 

Niklas continues; “This is not only the next generation of cloud technology, but also a way for the security industry to gradually adopt to the new way of consuming digital services.”  

Our latest addition to open platforms

As a company, Axis has a long history of working with open platforms and enabling our partners and developers to integrate with Axis devices to meet our joint customers’ needs. For instance, back in 2001, we introduced VAPIX®, an Application Programming Interface (API) to Axis devices enabling integration into a wide range of solutions on different platforms. Today, most third-party VMSs use VAPIX. In addition, AXIS Camera Application Platform (ACAP), our software development kit, enables developers to build applications optimized for Axis devices. This platform offers a modern architecture that provides flexible applications designed for hybrid solutions.

Axis Cloud Connect has become a reality thanks to the passion, ingenuity, collaboration, and perseverance from all involved

Axis Cloud Connect is our latest addition to our open integration platforms. There are already one million API calls per day to access our cloud services, and since 2019, there have been two million AXIS OS upgrades. Axis Cloud Connect ensures our customers can take advantage of the latest, advanced cloud technologies and benefit from capabilities such as secure remote access, data-driven insights, and great scalability. It also enables our partners to provide value-adding services to meet customers’ changing needs with a faster time to market.

Christian ends by thanking the people behind this platform: “Axis Cloud Connect has become a reality thanks to the passion, ingenuity, collaboration, and perseverance from all involved - both internal Axis colleagues as well as our partners. Many thanks to the truly great teams working with this platform.

For more information about Axis Cloud Connect please visit the website. To learn more about managed services and hybrid cloud solutions, please read the secure insights blog.