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Simplifying subscriptions with AXIS License Manager

4 minutes read
AXIS License Manager

IT procurement, especially at the enterprise level, needs to keep track of hundreds, or even thousands of licenses from countless technology providers across the business. Renewals, compliance, license allocation, and growth directly impact business effectiveness. But managing all of this is a hugely time and resource intensive challenge.

AXIS License Manager is a management tool that puts all your licenses from Axis in one place. By giving you full view of your system subscriptions, handling of product licenses throughout the entire lifecycle will be easier.

Introducing AXIS License Manager

AXIS License Manager provides an interface that gives you an instant overview of all information related to your licenses. It’s easy to navigate, and there is nothing to download or install. You can easily access it from your web browser on your tablet or PC, wherever you have an internet connection.

The dashboard shows the real-time status of, and information about, your active licenses. This includes past and upcoming calendar actions, license usage per product, and annual license growth. AXIS License Manager keep track on your subscriptions for you, and should it require your input, it will notify you well in advance. Users are always one step ahead of any upcoming events, such as renewal or managing a trial or grace period that is due to end.

Reviewing usage and growth with AXIS License Manager

AXIS License Manager guides you every step of the subscription journey, and that includes forward planning.  “Customers often need guidance with growth forecasting,” says Åsa Larsdotter, Product Manager Axis Communications. “So, we've built in a feature that recommends how many licenses you may need to purchase for allocation the upcoming year.”

This annual review of your licensing status starts 60 days before the subscription year ends and is carried out automatically. Åsa continues, “it audits the number of active licenses, the number of added devices or units during the subscription year, and the already allocated licenses. Once it’s finished, you receive a helpful review notification, containing an order suggestion for the next subscription year. This contains all the information you need - part number, product name, type of licenses, as well as how many licenses may need to be ordered.”

AXIS License Manager

Flexibility to expand and a lower initial investment 

Åsa explains how, “software can no longer be thought of as a static product. As standards and expectations evolve, updates and features are continuously added so as customers always have the best experience.”

As a result, Axis has introduced a subscription model with emphasis on simplicity, generosity, ease of use, and a commitment to ongoing support. By doing so our customers benefit from more transparency, cost control, improved license handling, and much more.

However, Åsa notes how “a common challenge is that as the number of licenses grows, the start and renewal dates can vary. This not only makes keeping track and managing them tricky but also complicates budget forecasting and allocation.”

She continues, “this is why we’ve designed the Axis subscription model to give you the freedom to add units throughout the subscription year, without any extra charges* until the next annual review cycle begins.”

At renewal, total usage is calculated so you only pay for what you use going forward. In effect, this approach gives all your Axis licenses the same start or renewal period. As a result, the total cost of your initial investment is lower and you still have the flexibility to expand as needed.

Renewing through trusted providers

At Axis, we always have and will continue to operate and take pride in working with our partners and the added expertise and service they bring.

This way of working also applies to the order and delivery of our e-licenses. System integrators can easily use AXIS License Manager to plan and maintain customers solutions in an efficient way.

Furthermore, customers will also still be able order and receive their license key from our system integrators and distributors as they have always done to date. Licenses are then redeemed via AXIS License Manager.

It’s possible to order and redeem license keys anytime during the subscription year. At the latest, a new license key must be ordered during the 30-day grace period after the renewal date.


*Axis will monitor any potential misuse of the offer to add additional licenses during the subscription period to ensure it's used within reason. Axis reserves the right to add a cap limiting the number of licenses that can be added in any such cases of abuse. 

Learn more about AXIS License Manager and Axis subscription model
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